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Why Interior Design Experts Adore Wood Flooring?

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Why interior design gurus simply love wood flooring? | Flooring Services London

Open and have a look at an interior design blog. Have a quick browse of an interior design magazine. Choose a random social media account of an interior design enthusiast or an expert. N matter where you go and what you read, you will easily spot the biggest interior design trend out there – wood flooring. It always has been wood flooring and it will always be it. Interior design gurus are blogging, tweeting, Instagramming, and constantly speaking about real wood flooring and how amazing it is. For us, it is more than clear why everyone loves it so much. Real wood flooring comes with a long list of benefits and advantages. However, you may still be struggling with a dilemma and wondering whether real wood flooring can fit into your lifestyle and meet your requirements, whether wood flooring is worth all the buzz or it is just all marketing. In today’s article, we will try to help you make a better choice and help you discover some of the major advantages of real wood flooring and why interior designers love it so much.

Easy to Decorate

There is no doubt that real wood flooring is among the easiest to decorate and style around. As a natural material, wood suits all sorts of interior styles and settings, including domestic and commercial, from traditional and classic styles to cutting-edge modern and contemporary. In addition, real wood flooring comes in a great variety of wood species, colours, textures, and natural patterns. To make the choice even bigger and more impressive, wood floors can be treated with different techniques and methods to change their appearance and make them look more unique and interesting. Wood flooring can be made to appear aged and older than it is, or even a bit distressed, so it adds character to the space. A high-gloss finish can add a lot of elegance and beauty to every room. No matter what, it is easy to find the exact wood floor to fit every interior or create a new style. Wood flooring can work as a simple background for more creative decoration and uniqueness, or become the focal point and statement piece of the room and dictate the overall style of the area or the entire house.

Easy Upkeep and Comfort

It is no secret that wood flooring is also one of the easiest floor coverings to maintain easily and keep in flawless condition. Well, this does not mean that wood flooring is not prone to some issues and damages, of course, it is. However, daily, there is a low chance of actually damaging your floor with the average lifestyle and habits of a household. In addition, there are many precautions you can take to ensure your floor is well-protected and in perfect condition and appearance for a long time. For example, you can place protective felt pads under furniture pieces to avoid leaving scratches when dragging and moving furniture such as chairs, tables, etc.

Placing a few decorative mats strategically in areas of high traffic will not only bring in more comfort in the house but also protect the finish of the floor from wear and tear. Cleaning a wooden floor is also easy and does not require too much time, elbow grease, money, and energy. Regular vacuuming with the attachment designed for hardwood flooring and occasional mopping with a damp mop and a product designed for hardwood flooring is more than enough to ensure great upkeep for your favourite wooden floor. Once the floor starts feeling too worn, sanding and refinishing it can easily bring it back to its initial glory, beauty, and durability. The easy upkeep is one of the many reasons why every interior designer will recommend having a wooden floor installed in your home.

Great Durability

Investing in a wooden floor is a long-term investment. When maintained and installed properly, wood floors are designed to last for many decades, usually up to a whole century. Therefore, every interior designer will tell you that wood flooring is always worth every penny you spend and it will pay off with long decades of loyal service to your household. As a natural material, wood is very durable and hard-wearing. Add to that a high-quality and lasting protective finish and you can enjoy a floor that looks and feels perfect for almost forever. Of course, you should ensure proper cleaning and maintenance to be able to enjoy yours for a long time.

Additional Value

Wood flooring is known for increasing the value of every property. For many decades, properties with real wood floors installed are known for getting sold or rented out quickly and for a higher price. There is no denying, that everyone enjoys a hardwood floor and everyone wants to have it installed in their home. Wood flooring creates a very specific, cosy and homey atmosphere in every property and brings in a lot of charm and elegance. Interior designers know that when they incorporate a wooden floor in the interior of a house or a property that is on the real estate market, the property will sell faster.

Quality Flooring at
a Fair Price

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